
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Did you have a blog when you were 11?

Hello all- the summer continues to move full-steam ahead as I encounter life, death, emotions, and confusion in CPE. It has been quite restorative for me to have a day off here and there, and to spend time with my family.

Last night I headed to Princeton to catch up with a few friends, and it was lovely to discuss my experience thus far this summer. It was also great to enjoy some good-cookin' at Jamie's new apartment (Kellen's fiancee).

Today I get the pleasure of hanging out with one of my nephews, and he showed me the blogs that he and his friends I guest posted on his blog. It's so funny to me to think about these- we never did this when we were 11! So, if you want to check out his blog, you can do it here. And don't worry- the pop-up that comes up is a joke.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

shed a little dark

Today was the second day of my summer CPE position. CPE is Clinical Pastoral Education, and I'm an intern at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia for the summer. I will be reflecting on this journey both here and on the PTS cpe.xchange blog.

I led devotions this morning for my group. We read through Psalm 90 (I am really into praying the Psalms right now. I can't deny that this girl had something to do with that.) I also included two quotes and a drawing from Brian Andreas, who is a writer/ storyteller/ artist originally from the Chicago area but now lives somewhere on the west coast. One of the Andreas quotes was, "Opening a door to the mysteries, hoping to shed a little dark on all the stuff we think we know." I think that quote captures the journey of CPE. With all the "time off" I've had since second semester ended, I've thought and mentally prepared a lot for this position. I've asked questions of others, prayed, anticipated...and now here it is- each day stands with fists ready to break down all of my assumptions, fears, and expectations.

Psalm 90, for me, is a great reminder of the dust that I am and the vast all-encompassing God who is from everlasting to everlasting. I find comfort in God as my dwelling place, though I spend most of my time constructing little boxes that hold me in the illusion of a secluded residence. As soon as that box is penetrated from the outside, my defenses are blown and I find myself sheltered in the arms of my one everlasting love. Though I take comfort in God's back-side glory now, I suspect times during CPE where I too, like the psalmist, will cry "Turn, O Lord! How long? Have compassion on your servants!"

I pray that God may "shed a little dark" into my well-lit box. I pray, brothers and sisters in ministry, that you may find the freedom to discover "places where the light & rain get in with no regard for your virtues or reputation." (Brian Andreas) And, above all:

"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper the work of our hands-
O prosper the work of our hands!" -Psalm 90